Heritage Server > Story Bank > Fire Insurance > Agents Should Continually
by August F. Muenter, assistant secretary, Head Office
Fireman’s Fund Record, April 1932

Company loss files contain reports of many serious fires, a large number of which could have been prevented. Why do not we, who are engaged in the business, devote greater thought and attention to making the public more fire conscious?

In every city—large or small—there are service clubs, working for the good of their communities. Have these clubs a Fire Prevention and Protection Committee, and is this Committee actively functioning to safeguard lives and conserve property?

Extracts from a recent loss report covering the destruction of a large cold storage plant, state that a stove pipe led from a coal stove through the roof, being offset outside the eaves’ line. Previous to the fire, the offset elbow was dislodged by the wind, and, not being repaired, the smokestack terminated under the eaves’ boards.

Upon discovery of fire, an employee, with a dry powder extinguisher, climbed to the roof, but the extinguisher proved ineffectual. An alarm was turned in, but, owing to the loss of valuable time, a small roof blaze was allowed to develop into a serious fire.

As there had been no systematic inspection of the plant by firemen, the firemen were unfamiliar with the property and more valuable time was wasted in attempting to drag hose down an alley and over a locked gate, instead of using the open driveway.

Agents Should Appoint Themselves Fire Preventionist

These details are not unusual, but are mentioned to illustrate some of the conditions that now exist in every community, and for the purpose of emphasizing the necessity for concerted efforts to eliminate, as far as possible serious fire hazards.

Mr. Insurance Agent, the challenge stares you in the face—go forth and preach the gospel of fire prevention! Carefully inspect the property of your insureds; eliminate unnecessary hazards; encourage the installation of safeguards; emphasize the fact to employees that their jobs depend upon continued operation of their firms, and see to it that they are trained to act properly in case of fire.

There is the plant which you hope to some day insure. Have you asked permission to point out unnecessary fire habits? Have you suggested organization of employees with regard to concerted and proper action when fire occurs?

An effective and inexpensive way of advertising your business is to identify yourself as a Fire Preventionist. Teach and preach fire prevention. Make civic organizations in your community do their part in the great work of Fire Prevention.

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