Heritage Server > Story Bank > Home & Regional Offices > The Manifold...
No source identified, probably written in the 1920s.

It will not be out of the way at this time to recount some of the innovations introduced by the Fireman's Fund during the past twenty-five years, the principal one in my estimation being the manifold copying policy, by which the policy, daily report and agent's record are completed with one writing. This form of policy has its origination in the need for a labor saving device for the local agents whose practice it was to write the policies issued to grain growers, on standing grain, while on the ground and make delivery of the policy then and there.

While the policy had always been somewhat condensed, considerable work was necessary to complete the copies of it required for the agent and the company. Mr. Blanchard and the writer collaborated in developing a policy which would materially reduce the labor and time used in writing them, with the result that early in 1900, and in ample time for distribution and use in grain writing agencies for that year, the manifold copying policy was produced - the first policy of its kind on the Pacific Coast, and probably in the entire country. A year or two later policies containing similar advantages were prepared for our warehouse-policy-writing agents, and several years after the conflagration of 1906 we placed this form of policy in general use. Meanwhile other companies on the Coast, realizing the benefits of it, were not slow in adopting it, some, however, with slight and immaterial changes, but for the most part the scheme was adopted in its entirety.

This is particularly interesting in view of the fact that claim is made by a New York company that they initiated the idea and put it into general use in 1905. It may be that they are correct insofar as the general use of the policy is concerned, but I am and have been satisfied that we can rightfully claim the distinction if it may be called that of developing and using the first manifold copying policy.

[Fireman's Fund Archives: 4-1-2-4-3; 0718.]


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