Airplane belonging to Adolph Sutro, which he used to set several international records, including a speed record of 51 miles per hour in 1913. Fireman's Fund insured the airplane.
No copyright indicated.
Reference 3-1-0-4-13, 0227.
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Laying the cornerstone for the Fireman's Fund's new headquarters building, 1915. The first building was completely destroyed by the earthquake and fire of 1906.
No copyright indicated.
Reference 4-5-2-2-3, 0905.
- 1910
- A shipment of gold insured by FFIC is stolen from the steamer Humbolt. The company pays the loss and spends the next seven years trying to recover the gold.
- 1912
- Premium income is $5,472,766.
- FFIC takes over the business of the Hawkeye Insurance Company, the largest insurance company in Iowa.
- 1913
- FFIC celebrates its 50th Anniversary. Since 1863 the company has paid more than $50,000,000 in losses and more than $1,000,000 in dividends.
- The company issues the first airplane policy ever written in the world.
- 1914
- William Dutton retires as president.
- Bernard Faymonville begins his three-year term as FFIC's sixth president.
- FFIC moves into the adjacent Insurance Exchange Building while new offices are built on California and Sansome Streets.
- 1915
- FFIC moves its head office into new headquarters on California and Sansome Streets.
- 1916
- Total premium income is $10 million.
- 1917
- Total premiums are $14 million ($7 million from marine insurance).
- Bernard Faymonville retires as president.
- Jacob Levison begins his twenty-year term as president.
- War conditions necessitate the end of the Franz Herrmann marine agency in New York.
- 1918
- Home Fire and Marine Insurance Company resumes operations.
- 1919
- Capital increases to $3,000,000.
- FFIC and partner, Home Fire and Marine, form an underwriters' annex called the Occidental Underwriters.